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Nintendo 3DS gets torn apart

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Hardware, Nintendo, Nintendo 3DS,

Nintendo 3DS teardown

The peeps over at iFixIt decided to import a Nintendo 3DS from Japan in order to give us a look at what it looks like on the inside, well in advance of the March 27th US launch date. Head on over to get a look inside of Nintendo's most ambitious handheld device to date.

Read More | iFixIt


GDC 2011: New Mario title coming for 3DS, Ocarina Of Time 3D coming in June

Mario Tail Logo
(Image courtesy of Destructoid.com)

According to the information from the Iwata keynote today at GDC 2011, there's a new Mario title on the way from the Galaxy team for the Nintendo 3DS. The placeholder logo has a tail attached, as pointed out by Iwata, claiming more will be revealed at E3 this year. According to him, the 3DS technology allowed Shigeru Miyamoto to address a fundamental problem with 3D location and platforming mechanics. I'd give more credit to Nintendo than to take the obvious route and link the logo imagery to the Tanooki suit, so expect a new game mechanic unique enough to warrant a logo slot.

Aditionally, it was announced that the 3D remaster of Zelda: Ocarina of Time will be hitting on June 7th. Along with 3D functionality, the game has recieved a graphical overhaul so it doesn't look quite as fugly as the N64 version. This will continue the Nintendo release strategy of using our childhoods to plaster their headquarters with money, and there's still plenty of time to hear more about the game before you decide to purchase it, so keep your eyes open for more coverage in the coming months.

GDC 2011: Nintendo 3DS picks up Netflix, 3D movie trailers, more

Posted by Alex Lifschitz Categories: Nintendo, Nintendo 3DS,

3DS at GDC '11


During Nintendo magnate and happy papa Satoru Iwata's keynote at the GDC today, Linebacker-In-Chief Reggie Fils-Aime took the stage briefly to discuss some new functionality slated to arrive for the Nintendo 3DS. This includes:

  • Nintendo will be partnering with Netflix to bring streaming video to the 3DS. You'll be able to pick up watched videos on your home set if you're viewing on the go. No word yet on whether Netflix will begin offering 3D movies for the device, though I wouldn't be surprised if they do in the future.
  • 3D trailers for films such as the Green Lantern will be available for download and mobile viewing.
  • Nintendo will be offering a short-form video service where they curate content for your eyeballs, kind of like the top-level videos on services like Xbox Live. They know what is best for your viewing pleasure. Obey. Obeeeeey.
  • 3D video recording! This had been hinted at for a while by Iwata, but it has been confirmed during the talk. Record videos in 3D from your handheld, watch them right back on the screen. If you thought people uploading photos of their misshapen junk to Tiger Woods games was bad, steel yourself.
  • Nintendo will be partnering with AT&T to have 10,000 existing hotspots acting as hubs for the 3DS. You'll be able to grab content, connect with other players, browse, and access other online functionality for the 3DS through yonder hotspots. I am very confident in this, because anyone with an AT&T iPhone will tell you how much they absolutely love and appreciate the service.
  • New Shops: The 3DS will be allowing you to transfer your existing DSiWare titles to your new handheld, and will be offering 2 new shops: Virtual Console, where you can get old GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, Turbografx, and GameGear titles, and 3D Classics, where you can get similar titles newly remastered with 3D functionality. There will also be a game promotion channel for screenshots, trailers, etc.

The update in late May will allow you to transfer your DSiWare, get a web browser, and access the shops.

Nintendo warns against allowing kids to use Nintendo 3DS 3D functions


 Nintendo 3DS hazard children 

Those thinking about buying the upcoming Nintendo 3DS for your pre-schooler might want to wait a few years. In advance of its Nintendo World 2011 demo, Nintendo posted a warning that suggests children under the age of six should not use its 3D functions.

"Vision of children under the age of six has been said [to be in the] developmental stage," according to a note posted to Nintendo's Japanese site. 3D content, including the 3DS, "delivers 3D images with different left and right eye images, [which] has a potential impact on the growth of children's eyes."

Nintendo recommended the use of parental controls to only allow younger gamers to play in 2D. There is "enough for everyone to enjoy," Nintendo said.

Nintendo recommended that players of all ages take breaks from 3D content every 30 minutes - or if you feel sick.

Click to continue reading Nintendo warns against allowing kids to use Nintendo 3DS 3D functions

Sharp Galapagos 3D gaming phone

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Smartphones, Video Games,

Japanese phones have been described lately as suffering from “Galapagos Syndrome”. This term comes from Darwin’s discovery that species in the Galapagos Islands seemed to evolve separately from the rest of the world. As such, Japanese smartphones have been criticized for not being accessible to the western market. The upcoming 3D phone from Sharp, ironically called the Galapagos, hopes to change the impression of Japanese smartphones in western minds. 

The Sharp Galapagos is powered by Android, and includes a 3.8 inch glasses-free 3D screen set to rival the stereoscopic 3D of Nintendo’s 3DS. What’s more, the Galapagos is set to receive seven games at launch, such as: Resident Evil: Degeneration, Mobile Powerful Pro Baseball 3D, Mega Man, Taiko no Tatsujin, SLIPHEED Alternative, Ghost ‘n Goblins: Gold Knights, and Reikai Denwa. In addition to video games, the Galapagos will also be getting 3D movies like Shrek Forever After and Battle Royale 3D. 

However, the Nintendo 3DS is much more powerful graphic-wise than the Sharp Galapagos, as is the iPhone 4 graphically. Though, this is definitely a great phone for mobile gaming in 3D without glasses.

Read More | Kotaku via Softbank

Mega Man Legends 3, Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, Nintendo 3DS

During the Conference 2010 in Japan just yesterday, Nintendo revealed a glimmer of hope for fans of the Mega Man Legends series. That is, Mega Man Legends 3 Project has been officially announced in development for the Nintendo 3DS platform. “We have wanted to create a new installment in this series for a number of years,” said the title’s Executive Producer, Keiji Inafune. “It is great that we now have the opportunity to bring this title to the Nintendo 3DS.”

Resident Evil fans will be delighted to know that Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D will also be a 3DS title, and will feature missions from Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5. Those familiar with the mercenary modes from these games know that it is a race against the clock to kill as many enemies as you can while racking up points. The Mercenaries 3D will add some new modes and characters from throughout the series into the mix as well. Aside from being a completely 3D experience, the 3DS’s WiFi connectivity will allow for online co-op play around the globe.

Check out the video and screens of Mega Man Legends 3 and Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D below.

Apple says iPod touch outsells Sony and Nintendo combined. What?

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Apple, Handhelds, Video Games,

iPhone Gaming

Looks as if is gunning for a spot in the gaming realm, or rather has already sliced out their piece of the pie. Sony previously attacked Apple during a PSP commercial where “Marcus” told a kid playing games on an iPhone that it was made for “texting your grandmother” and not for “big boy” games. Steve Jobs retaliated earlier today at the company by revealing that both Nintendo and Sony’s portable systems are under the sales of the alone, and that over 1.5 billion “games and entertainment” apps have been downloaded, big boy games or not.

However, the Nintendo DS reportedly sold 132 million units world wide, while Apple is tracked at 120 million iOS units sold according to their July report. Is Apple trying to pull the wool over gamers eyes, or do they really have the numbers to back up their bold claim? We’re looking into it, as a bit of clarification seems to be in order.

Street Fighter IV 3DS will be a perfect port of console versions

Street Fighter 3DS

According to the head guru in charge of Street Fighter, Yoshinori Ono, the 3DS version of Street Fighter will be a “perfect port” of the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 versions. This means that all of those modes and features you have come to love on your console version will be included on Nintendo’s handheld. In addition, the 3DS version will have a few new aspects to hold over console gamers’ heads. 

In order to attract a newer crowd to the Street Fighter arena Ono is utilizing the unique visuals and control scheme of the 3DS. Stereoscopic 3D has been applied to give fighting matches much more depth and attract gamers interested in trying out the new 3D phenomenon.

“When you put the 3D slider on max the game will be between looking into the (game world) and the characters jumping out at you, so you can distinguish the background and characters very clearly”, states Ono.

What’s more, new control schemes will enable younger players not familiar with Street Fighter to play the game in an all new way, while veteran Street Fighters will still be able to make use of their years of training using the classic control scheme.

“We are currently working hard on researching the possibility of having two control options,” says Ono. “One would be targeting people my age, entering 40, who played on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It will allow them to play it as they used to on the Super NES…By providing two different options we hope to reach a broader audience.”

Read More | Kotaku

3D video and gaming hazardous to your health

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Displays, HDTV, Movies,

3D HDTV health hazard

When announced the 3DS, they made sure to make the press aware that children should have the 3D effect disabled if they were going to use the handheld console. Manufacturers of 3D HDTV sets have also included warnings that stated that there is a possible health risk to certain viewers, and have provided guidance that children should be limited in their 3D exposure. Year ago, Sega was going to release a 3D virtual reality headset that was quickly and quietly shelved, despite being seen as the future of gaming 15 years ago. Now news has come out that all of these warnings are based on years of research cover ups, and the details are finally being brought out now that 3D entertainment is much more readily available than it was in years past.

In a nutshell, the problem is that children under 7 are still developing their vision, and the 3D effect actually forces you into strabismus, essentially giving yourself temporary lazy eye. Since children are still developing, you run a severe risk of having them end up with permanent strabismus (or, lazy eye.) This is the reason that so many manufacturers want to be overly cautious with the use of 3D as it pertains to children, and it’s also a good reason for parents to sit up and take notice as well. Now that 3D HDTVs are on the market, we’ve gone from having super rare opportunity to view 3D content, to a bunch of animated movies incorporating it (so, 2-6 hours per month, depending on how often you go to those,) to potentially having 3D on in your home on a constant basis.

A lot of higher-ups within the consumer electronics industry point to the fact that the data is 15 years old, and that they may be new factors since the technology has advanced. However, the fact remains that all content that shows a different image to each eye (which is all 3D) forces you into strabismus. More research is needed to find out if 3D HDTV is safe for children, as well as adults, especially for prolonged lengths of time.

Read More | Audioholics
